Admission Result

GST University Admission Test Result 2021-22

GST Integrated University Admission Test Result: In 2021-22, 22 GST (General, Science & Technology) Universities took their admission test in a combined way. For this, they have published their admission circular and other notices on a certain website.

Finally, the admission tests are over, and the admission test result has been published. For those who have already set for the test, this article is for them. Here I will share all the information related to the GST admission test result 20221-22. So keep reading and get results.

GST  Admission Test Result 2021-22

GST University Admission Test Result is now available. I think you are a student who has set for the GST integrated admission test, and now you are here to get the admission test result. If yes, then you are at the right place. Foremost, to get the result, you need the password and Application ID. If you forget them anyway, then recover them from the below link.

A-Unit Admission Test Result

A-Unit integrated admission test result is available here. Are you the examinee of A-Unit? If yes, then don’t worry. Your Integrated admission test result is right now. Just click on the below link and get your desired result.

  1. Visit the
  2. Provide your Password/Application ID.
  3. Then Log in and get your result.

A-Unit Admission Result

B-Unit Admission Test Result

Here B-Unit integrated admission test result is available, and B-Unit is for the Humanities faculties. If you want to get the B-Unit result, follow the following links and get your B-Unit result.

  1. Visit the
  2. Provide your Password/Application ID.
  3. Then Log in and get your result.

B-Unit Admission Result

C-Unit Admission Test Result

Maybe you are examining the C-Unit, so you are here to get the C-Unit admission test result. Great, here  I have arranged all the information to get the C-Unit admission test result.

  1. Visit the
  2. Provide your Password/Application ID.
  3. Then Log in and get your result.

C-Unit Admission Result

GST Result Re-verification Schedule 2021-22

How to re-verify the GST admission test result is one of the common questions from the students. Here I have added detailed information on the GST admission test re-verification schedule 2022.

Candidates can apply for re-verification of the exam results if they wish. The application process will be notified on the GST website after the release of the ‘C’ (Commerce) unit admission test results on 20th August 2022. Apart from this, the schedule and process for starting the admission process in 22 universities under the GST cluster will also be notified on the website.

7 Agricultural University Cluster Admission Test Result 2022

That’s all I have for you. I hope all the information and links will be enough for you to get your result. On this site, you will get all the University’s admission test results, admission circulars, etc. So for any information, come to the site.

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