MBBS 3rd year syllabus (Courses & Curriculum) is available here. MBBS Phase 3 or MBBS third year is relatively more important for the MBBS studied students. Participation of the students of phase III is very important, and it should be ensured. Here you will get Generic Topics, integrated topics, and subjects.
MBBS 3rd Year Syllabus & Curriculum Details
MBBS phase III is a one-year course. The following two topics will be taught within the 3rd phase under the supervision of the Phase-III coordination committee in collaboration with the medical education unit (MEU). The detailed information about this course is given below. You may visit the link for more.
Generic Topics on Medical Humanities to be taught in Phase –III
- Integrity and accountability of medical professionals
- Aspects of a good doctor
Integrated Teaching in phase III
1. Occupational and Environmental hazards
2. Snakebite
3. Transportation injuries
4. Disaster management
5. Shock
6. Glomerulonephritis
7. Rheumatoid Arthritis/ Osteomyelitis
8. Different Viral Fevers (Covid-19, Dengue, Chikungunya)
9. Carcinoma Cervix
MBBS 3rd Year Community Medicine & Public Health
Community Medicine & Public Health is the 6th for MBBS phase III- studies students. The graduate of this course will be able to meet the country’s community health needs and demands. This course teaches students to identify health needs and problems, take measures to meet health needs, and so on.
3rd Professional Examination
Marks distribution of Assessment of Community Medicine & Public Health:
Total marks – 300
• Written = 100 (20 marks MCQ (50% Multiple True and False (MTF) + 50% Single Base answer (SBA), 70 marks (25% Structured Essay Question (SEQ) + 75% Short Answer Question (SAQ) 10 marks: Formative assessment)
• Structured oral examination= 100
• Practical (Conventional Practical / OSPE, RFST including Survey Report, Study Tour Report, and Report on Day Visit) =100
Included Topic of Community Medicine & Public Health
- Concept of Public Health, Community Medicine, Health and Disease
- Behavioural Science
- Health Communication & Health Education
- Medical Entomology
- Research Methodology and Biostatistics
- Environment & Health
- Immunity, Immunization
- Public Health Nutrition
- Principles of Epidemiology
- Epidemiology of Communicable & Non-Communicable Disease (NCDs)
- MCH-FP & Demography
- School Health Services
- Occupational Health
- Health For All (HFA), Primary Health Care (PHC), Universal Health Coverage (UHC) & MDG, SDG
- Public Health Administration & Management
MBBS 3rd Year Professional Exam
Assessment systems and mark distribution
Components | Mark | Total Marks |
Written Examination MCQ (SBA+MTF) SAQ +SEQ Formative |
20 70 10 |
100 |
Practical Examination Conventional Practical / Osp (3 Prasadural and 8 costing stations) RFST, Survey Report & Study Tour Report Reports on day visits |
50 30 20 |
100 |
Oral Examination (Structured) 2 Boards each of 2 examiners | 100 | |
Grand Total | 300 |
➢ There will be a separate Answer Script for MCQ.
➢ Pass marks 60 % in each theoretical, oral, and practical.
Community Medicine & Public Health Schedule
In the Community Medicine & Public Health course, fifteen topics have to be taught. These topics are divided into two terms 1st and 2nd.
Community Medicine & Public Health Glossary
AFB = Acid Fast Bacilli
AHI = Assistant Health Inspector
ARI = Acute Respiratory Infections
CPR = Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
EPI = Expanded Programme on Immunization
HI = Health Inspector
IPD = In-Patient Department
M.P. = Malarial Parasite
MCH = Maternal and Child Health
MCQ = Multiple Choice Questions
MO, MCH = Medical Officer, Maternal and Child Health
OHP = Over Head Projector
OPD = Out-Patient Department
ORS = Oral Dehydration Salt
SI = Sanitary Inspector
TH&FPO = Thana Health and Family Planning Officer
TFR = Total Fertility Rate
TFPO = Thana Family Planning Officer
RFST = Residential Field Site Training
MBBS Syllabus 3rd Year: Pathology
MBBS Phase III has 3 subjects, and Pathology is an essential subject of the MBBS III phase (MBBS 3rd year). This subject emphasizes common diseases. It includes developing skills to perform TC, DC, Eosinophil count, estimation of Hb% and ESR, Platelet count, and explain the basic mechanism of diseases: Etiology, pathogenesis, morphological changes.
The discipline also develop skills to perform,
- Semen analysis
- Routine examination of Urine
- Microscopic examination of body fluids
- CSF examination
- Preparation of preservative and fixative- 95% Alcohol, 10% Formalin.
- Writing a requisition form for histopathological and cytological examination
2nd Professional Examination:
Marks distribution of Assessment of Pathology:
Total marks – 300
• Written=100 (MCQ (SBA+MTF) 20+(SAQ+SEQ) 70 + Formative Assessment
Marks- 10)
• Structured Oral Examination= 100
• Practical and OSPE =100
The pathology course contains some contents. Here, some of the head contents and their teaching periods are included.
- Term I A- General Pathology, Haematolymphoid System (Term-1A): Total teaching hours in General Pathology (Term I A)
➢Lecture: 35 Hours
➢Tutorial : 20 X 2 = 40 Hours
➢Practical : 07x 1 = 07 Hours
➢Total teaching hours of General Pathology = 82 Hours
- Term-1B – General Pathology, Haematolymphoid System (Term-1B): Total teaching hour in Haematolymphoid Pathology (Term-1B)
➢Lecture : 15 Hours
➢Tutorial : 9X 2 = 18 Hours
➢Practical : 08x 1 = 08Hours + 1 Hours (Instruments)
➢Total teaching hours of Haematolymphoid Pathology = 42 Hours
➢Integrated teaching = 05 Hours
(Term 1A- 82 Hours + Term 1B- 42 Hours =124 Hours)
- Term-2B – Systemic Pathology (Term-2B ): Total teaching hour in systemic Pathology (Term 2A+2B);
➢Lecture- 45×1 = 45 hours
➢Tutorial- 18 x2 = 36 hours
➢Practical -18 x1= 18 hours
➢Total = 99 hours
MBBS Syllabus 3rd Year: Microbiology
MBBS course offers Microbiology subjects in the 3rd phase. The microbiology course includes the topics of microbial diseases, their pathogenesis, immunological responses. This course also teaches some important clinical illnesses to plan and interpret necessary laboratory investigations for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
2nd Professional Examination:
Marks distribution of Assessment of Microbiology:
Total marks – 300
• Written= 100 (MCQ 20+SAQ & SEQ 70+formative Assessment Marks 10)
• MCQ=20 (Multiple T-F 10 + SBA 10)
• SAQ + SEQ = 70
• Structured oral examination (SOE)=100
• Practical =100 (OSPE-50 +Traditional- 40+ Practical note book-05+ Integrated

If you need more information on the MBBS third phase, you may visit MBBS Phase III, Pathology, Community Medicine & Public Health, or Microbiology.