KUET Admission Circular 2019-20

KUET Admission Circular 2024-25

KUET Admission Circular 2024-25 is available here. The admission circular of Khulna University of Engineering & Technology has already been published. This year 2024-25, there is going to be an undergraduate admission test in KUET and with this in mind, the authority has published a notice and all the instructions and guidelines.

In this article, I will share with you all the information with a great explanation. Just keep reading and note down the information you need.

About KUET (Khulna University of Engineering & Technology)

Khulna Unversity of Engineering & Technology was established in 1967 as Khulna Engineering College under the University of Rajshahi. Then this was renamed Bangladesh Institute of Technology (BIT) on July 1, 1986, and finally renamed Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET) on September 1, 2003. There are 320 people as academic staff and 5600+ students in this university.


Faculties And Departments

KUET has three (3) faculties and 20 departments. Here is the list of faculties.

Faculty Department/Subject Seat
Faculty of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering (CE) 120
Building Engineering and Construction Management (BECM) 60
Urban and Regional Planning (URP) 60
Architecture (Arch) 40
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) 120
Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) 120
Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) 60
Bio-Medical Engineering (BME) 30
Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) 60
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering (ME) 120
Industrial and Production Engineering (IPE) 60
Leather Engineering (LE) 60
Textile Engineering (TE) 60
Energy Science and Engineering (ESE) 30
Chemical Engineering (ChE) 30
Mechatronics Engineering (ME) 30
In Total = 1060

KUET Admission Circular 2024-25

You will get all the information about admission to KUET from this article. Read carefully. The admission circular of KUET recently has been published, and here you will get all the information step by step. To get the detailed information visit admissionckruet.ac.bd.

KUET Admission Circular 2024-25



KUET Admission Requirements

Check your eligibility by their requirement. Here is detailed information about the admission requirements.

  • The applicant has to complete their HSC in 20214 or get an “A” level certificate between November 2023.
  • The minimum GPA is 4.00 in both SSC or equivalent in 2021/2022.
  • Total GPA will have to be 2.00 in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English.
  • To get more information, focus on the following image.

KUET Admission Circular 2024-25


How to Apply

Here I will share with you the whole application process step by step. Just have a look and do as it is written here.

  1. Visit the (admission.kuet.ac.bd) site.
  2. Fill up the SSC & HSC Board,  Passing Year, Roll, and Registration No, and click on the Next button.
  3.  The candidate has to click on the Next button providing the preference order for the group selection and Fixation of the Exam Center. 
  4. Then fill up the Email, Mobile No, Postal Address & Quata and click on the Next button.
  5.   If all the information appears correct, go to the Fee payment page. You may edit all the information by clicking on the Edit button.
  6. According to the instructions., the applicant has to upload a recent photograph and signature and print it.
  7. If all processes are completed successfully, “You have completed the online application” will be displayed in the web browser.
  8. Then click on the “Download Application Information” and reserve the downloaded copy.

Admission Fees

KUET admission fees for the Ka unit and Kha unit are here in the table below:

Group Department Admission test fee(With Service Charge)
“KA” Engineering departments, and the Urban and Regional Planning department 1100 TK
“KHA” Engineering departments, Urban and Regional Planning department, and Architecture department 1200 TK

Payment System

You can pay application fees through Debit/Credit Card, Mobile Banking, and Internet banking. You have to visit admission.kuet.ac.bd to get more information.

Dates Related to KUET Admission Test

To participate in the admission test, you have to remember all the important dates and days to prepare yourself to do everything in time. You may visit admission.kuet.ac.bd to get the detailed information.

KUET Online Application Starts 04 December 2024
KUET Online Application Last Date 14 December 2024
Online Application Fee Submit 15 December 2024
Admission Date & Time 11 January 2025 Saturday from 9.30 Am to 12.30 PM
Merit List Publication, Versity & Subject selection instruction, admission process& date 26 January 2025
Admission Date, Orientation, class starting date, and admission-related other circulars will be informed later.

KUET Admission Circular time schedule

Apply Link : admission.kuet.ac.bd

Admit Card Download

Admit cards can be downloaded 10 days before the scheduled examination date. Visit this website: (admission.kuet.ac.bd). Provide the SSC & HSC registration no and press the Submit Button. The PDF file will appear after clicking on the link.

  1. At first, you have to visit (admission.kuet.ac.bd).
  2. Then you will get the option where you can download the admit card.
  3. Provide the application ID & HSC registration no and print the admit card.

List of Eligible Candidates In KUET

Now the selected candidates for the CKRUET admission are available on the site. All the applicants for the CKRUET admission test are requested to see through the list.

KUET Admission Circular 2024-25 3

KUET Admission Test Seat Plane 2024

If you are an applicant for the CKRUET admission then here is a piece of good news for you. The CKRUET admission test seat plane has been out.

Admission test subjects and syllabus

To sit in the admission test, you must know all the admission-related subjects and syllabus. That’s why I have added here all the subjects and syllabus you should know before sitting the admission test.

Admission test subjects and syllabus

KUET Postgraduate Admission

The information above is about undergraduate admission. If you want to be admitted to the postgraduate program or search for information about postgraduate admission, you will get detailed information here. Click Here.

KUET Contact Information

  • Academic & General information: 01759123103 (Every working day 10:00 am – 4:00 pm)
  • Online Application Payment Related: 01759123148 (Every working day 10:00 am – 4:00 pm)
  • Online Application Image/Sign Related: 01864123012 (Every working day 10:00 am – 4:00 pm)
  • Online Application A/O Level & others: 01580755805 (Every working day 10:00 am – 4:00 pm)
  • SSL Helpline: (Payment related) 096 1222 6969 (24 Hours)
  • Email: admission2021@cuet.ac.bd
  • Address: 6th Floor Academic building 03, IICT office, CUET Chittagong – 4349 Bangladesh

You can now apply for the KUET admission circular if you are interested or meet the requirements.

About the Author: Aslam Babu

Hi there! I'm MD. Aslam, and I'm a blogger. I'm here to help you about University Admission in Bangladesh. Universityadmissionbd.com is the top-rated website for University Admission information. You will get detailed information here. Thanks for being with us.

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