Are you looking for the IUT Admission Circular 2024-25 session? The Islamic University of Technology Admission Circular has been published recently. Now it is high time for the students who pass their HSC examination to get admitted into a better university.
IUT is one of the best engineering universities in Bangladesh. If you want to apply for admission to the Islamic University of Technology, you need to know the detailed information for submitting your application. So you have to read this article properly.
Moreover, you must check your eligibility to apply for ‘IUT admission 2024-25′. So here is some vital information for the Islamic University of Technology admission circular 2024-25’. Here you can freely apply for admission to the Islamic University of Technology. Only Muslim students of OIC member countries can apply for admission to IUT.
About IUT (Islamic University of Technology)
Islamic University of Technology (IUT) is a subsidiary organ of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation(OIC). IUT is an educational and research institution in Bangladesh, run and funded by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
The main objective of IUT is to contribute to developing the human resources of the member states of the OIC, particularly in the fields of engineering, technology, and technical education. It provides undergraduate, postgraduate & Ph.D. degrees in the field of Engineering.
Some Important Information About IUT
The Islamic University of Technology, established in 1978, was first known as the Islamic Center for Technical, Vocational Training and Research (ICTVTR). Then it was renamed as Islamic Institute of Technology (IIT) in 1994 and finally renamed the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) in 2001.
The beautiful campus was designed by Turkish architect Pamir Mehmet, an MIT graduate. The campus area is urban, 12 hectares (30 acres). It’s located near Board Bazar, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Faculties & Departments Of IUT
The Islamic University of Technology has two Faculties & six Departments. The Faculties & Departments are:
- Faculty of Engineering
(a) Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering (MCE)
(b) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
(c) Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
(d) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) - Faculty of Science & Technical Education
(a) Department of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE)
(b) Department of Business and Technology Management (BTM)
IUT 2024-25 Admission Notice
IUT admission will be held in 2024. We will submit the 2024-25 session admission notice here when we get it.

For more details, Click Here
IUT Admission Circular
IUT (Islamic University of Technology) admission is not published yet. We will update the information as soon as we get it. In below, you will get detailed information. The host country (Bangladeshi) student and the international student will read here. Carefully read the whole article to be clear. To know more details click here.

How to Apply Online for Admission in IUT (Host Country)
Both Bangladeshi and international students will be able to admit here. Here is the information about the host country students.
Step 1: Completion of the application using TeleTalk SIM
- Send an SMS from any prepaid TeleTalk SIM to 16222 ( Follow the instructions below).
Write- IUT<>First 3 letters of HSC Education Board<>HSC Examination Roll<>HSC Passing Year<>First 3 letters of SSC Education Board<>SSC Examination Roll<>SSC Passing Year.
The First 3 letters of the Education Board name must be in capital letters.
Example SMS: IUT DHA 123456 2018 DHA 234567 2016
- If the SMS is sent with the correct information, the applicant will receive an SMS with his/her name, admission fees, and a PIN to get the applicant’s approval.
- Then you have to send another SMS to 16222 from a prepaid TeleTalk SIM with a sufficient balance for admission approval.
Write- IUT<>YES<>PIN(Received from the previous SMS)<>Personal mobile number of the applicant( They will send you a PIN and Password to this number).
Example SMS: IUT YES 78654345 01XXXXXXXXX
- As an O/A level applicant, you have to collect a code from IUT by completing preregistration on the IUT admission webpage ( Then send an SMS to 16222 from a prepaid Teletalk SIM.
Write- IUT<>GSE<>Applicant’s Code(Collected from IUT website)<>Year
Example SMS: IUT GSE 367895 2022
Step 2: Upload the Image, Generation of the Admit Card for the admission test, and download the Admit Card
- Eligible candidates must upload their recent color photographs (Size: up to 100 KB).
- Then you have to generate and download the Admit card. To download the admit card, you have to log in with the PIN and password (PIN and Password will be received from IUT to your phone number)
Step 1: Completion of the application using TeleTalk SIM
- Candidates for Diploma, BSc, and MSc in Technical Education programs have to collect a code from IUT by completing preregistration on the IUT admission webpage ( Then send an SMS to 16222 from a prepaid TeleTalk SIM.
Write- IUT<>GSE<>Applicat’s code(Collected from IUT website)<>Year
Example SMS: IUT GSE 565467 2019
- Then you have to send another SMS to 16222 from a prepaid TeleTalk SIM with a sufficient balance for admission approval.
Write- IUT<>YES<>PIN(Received from the previous SMS)<>Personal mobile number of the applicant( They will send you a PIN and Password to this number).
Example SMS: IUT YES 78654345 01XXXXXXXXX
Step 2: Upload Image, Generation of the Admit Card for the admission test, and download the Admit Card
- Eligible candidates must upload their recent color photographs (Size: up to 100 KB).
- Then you have to generate and download the Admit card. To download the admit card, you have to log in with the PIN and password (PIN and Password will receive from IUT to your phone number).
Step 1: Completion of the application using TeleTalk SIM
- Applicants of the MSc/Ph.D. program have to collect a code from IUT by completing preregistration on the IUT admission webpage ( Then send an SMS to 16222 from a prepaid TeleTalk SIM.
Write- IUT<>GSE<>Applicat’s code(Collected from IUT website)<>Year
Example SMS: IUT GSE 565467 2019
- Then you have to send another SMS to 16222 from a prepaid TeleTalk SIM with a sufficient balance for admission approval.
Write- IUT<>YES<>PIN(Received from the previous SMS)<>Personal mobile number of the applicant( They will send you a PIN and Password to this number).
Example SMS: IUT YES 78654345 01XXXXXXXXX
Step 2: Upload Image, Generation of the Admit Card of the admission test, and download the Admit Card
- Eligible candidates must upload their recent color photographs (Size: up to 100 KB).
- Then you have to generate and download the Admit card. To download the admit card, you have to log in with the PIN and password (PIN and Password will receive from IUT to your phone number).
Admission Road-map (Important Dates)
The applicant has to remember these important dates.
SL. | Event | Date |
01 | Application Starting Date | |
02 | Application Closing Date | |
03 | Admission Test | |
04 | Merit List Publication | Click here |
05 | Submission of Department Choices |
Recommended: Click here for Sheikh Hasina University Admission Circular 2024-25
How to Apply Online for Admission to IUT (International candidates)
( Visit this official site of IUT. Click on the “Apply Now.” Complete the following instructions for the online application. In every step, you have to provide all the information you need and click on the ‘Next’ button.
- Provide nationality, religion, and the selected program.
Select your country name.
Select the program.
Mention your religion.
Note: There are no scholarships. Only Muslim people can apply for admission.
- Write your contact address and personal details.
- Upload your recent color photograph (Size: up to 100 KB).
- Provide your preference for different programs according to your choice.
- Visit here and follow the instructions, add your academic details.
- Upload a scanned copy of your academic transcripts and certificates. Or you can upload a zip file.
- Then you will get a confirmation email. There you will get your PIN and Password for login to its website for your admission information.
Note: Be sure that all of your information is correct and carefully fill up the application.
IUT Contact Infomation
Office of the Registrar, Administrative Building, Islamic University of Technology (IUB), Board Bazar, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Email:, Phone: 9291252, 9291254-9 Ext 3226,3320, 3209
I hope this article will help you. Visit the official site of the Islamic University of Technology (IUT). Go back to our Web Site for All University Admission Information. Keep an eye on this site to know the next update first of all.