CUET Admission Circular 2024-25 | How To Apply on CUET Admission Circular 1

CUET Admission Circular 2024-25 | How To Apply on CUET Admission Circular

How to Apply on CUET Admission Circular: (CUET) Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology) is one of the top levels of Engineering universities in Bangladesh. Not only in Bangladesh but there are also a lot of international students who are interested in the CUET Admission circular.

CUET authority has decided to take the admission test with other engineering universities like KUET and RUET. For this, they’re going to take a combined admission test with the three engineering universities. With this in mind, they have already published the notice and other guidelines on the website.

Important Facts about CUET

CUET was established in Chittagong in 1968. It is one of the prominent and prestigious degree-awarding institutes in the engineering education of Bangladesh. The honorable President of Bangladesh is the Chancellor of the University.

CUET Admission Circular

Area Departments Faculty Members Students
171+ Acres 15 200+ 4500+

CUET Admission Circular Requirements

To participate in the CUET admission, you have to possess some qualifications and need requirements. Here I will share with you all the information step by step.

  1. The applicant must complete his/her HSC in 2024 or get an “A” level certificate between September 2022 and August 2023.
  2. The minimum GPA needs 4.00 in both SSC and HSC or Its equivalent in 2022/23.
  3. Total GPA will have to be 20.00 in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English.
  4. To get more information, focus on the following image.

CUET Admission Circular Requirements


CUET Admission Notice 2024-25

If you are a candidate for this year, I am sure you are just looking for the CUET admission notice. For that reason, We collect this notice and upload this notice below.

CUET Admission Notice 2021-22

How To Apply On CUET

CUET application process is available here. If you don’t complete the application process or make any error or mistake to complete the application then your application will be canceled automatically. So it is very important to know the application process.

  1. Visit the ( site.
  2. Fill up the SSC & HSC Board,  Passing Year, Roll, Registration No, and click on the Next button.
  3.  The candidate has to click on the Next button providing the preference order for the group selection and Fixation of the Exam Center.
  4. Then fill up the Email, Mobile No, Postal Address & Quata and click on the Next button.
  5.   If all the information appears correct then go to the page Fee payment. You may edit all the information by clicking on the Edit button.
  6. According to the instruction., the applicant has to upload a recent photograph and signature and print it.
  7. If all processes are completed successfully, “You have successfully completed the online application” will be displayed in the web browser.
  8. Then click on the “Download Application Information” and reserve the downloaded copy.
    Admission Fees

CUET Admission Fees

Group Department Admission test fee(With Service Charge)
“KA” Engineering departments, and the Urban and Regional Planning department 1200 TK
“KHA” Engineering departments, Urban and Regional Planning department, and Architecture department 1400 TK

CUET Application Payment System

For a successful fee payment,

  1. you have to visit
  2. Then you will get a fee payment option. Click on it
  3. You will get many fee payment mediums. Click any of them by which you will pay fees
  4. For any, information visit

Important Dates Of CUET Admission Circular 2024-25

Every applicant should know the CUET admission-related important dates. Though it is very hard to keep in mind, you have to do it. Here I have arranged all the admission dates for you. To get detailed information you may visit (

KUET Online Application Starts 05 January 2025
Publication of roll no and exam centers list of the eligible candidates for RUET admission 23 January 2025
Online Application Fee Submit 18 January 2025
Admission Date & Time Group Total Date & Time
Ka 500 01 February 2025 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Kha 700 01 February 2025 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Merit List Publication, Versity & Subject selection instruction, admission process& date 22 February 2025
Admission Date, Orientation, class starting date, and admission-related other circulars will be informed later.

Admit Card Download

Admit cards will be downloaded 10 days before the scheduled examination date.

  1. At first, you have to visit (
  2. Then you will get the option where you can download the admit card.
  3. Provide the application ID & HSC registration no and print the admit card.

List of Eligible Candidates In CUET

The list of eligible candidates for the CKRUET admission has already been announced. For all the candidates, the list is uploaded.

CUET Admission Circular 2024-25 | How To Apply on CUET Admission Circular 2

CUET Admission Test Seat Plane 2025

CUET admission test seat plane has already been announced. In this circular, all the applicants are requested to sit for the admission test in a certain hall. For this, the CKRUET admission test seat place has been officially published. Just look over the list and find out your seat.

CUET Admission Test Seat Plane 2022

Admission test subjects and syllabus

To know about the admission subjects and syllabus is very crucial for all applicants. Before sitting for the exam you have to study a lot on all the selected subjects and syllabus.CUET Admission Circular 2024-25 | How To Apply on CUET Admission Circular 3CUET Admission Circular 2024-25 | How To Apply on CUET Admission Circular 4

CUET Admission Test Total Seats

In the CUET admission, there is a total of 920 seats and among them, 890 seats are general and other 11 reserved seats.

SL No Name of Department Code  No. Of Seats
 1 Architecture ARCH 30
2 Biomedical Engineering BME 30
3 Civil Engineering CE 130
4 Computer Science and Engineering CSE 130
5  Electrical and Electronics Engineering EEE 180 EEE 180
6 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering ETE 60 ETE 60
7.  Materials Science and Engineering MSE 30 MSE 30
8.  Mechanical Engineering ME 180 ME 180
9. Mechatronics and Industrial Engineering MIE 30 MIE 30
10. Petroleum and Mining Engineering PME 30 PME 30
11.  Urban and Regional Planning URP 30 URP 60
12. Water Resources Engineering WRE 30 WRE 30
Total No of Seats= 920
Total seats 890. In addition, there are 11 reserved seats, including 1 seat for the Rakhine community, 10 seats for the CHT and other ethnic groups.

CUET Admission PDF File

This is the latest news about the CUET admission circular 2024- 25 from us for you. To get the latest news, stay connected with us. I wish you success.

About the Author: UniversityAdmission

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