It is here if you are looking for the JU Admission Circular 2024-25 session. The Jahangirnagar University admission circular 2024-25 has been published. The application process for Jahangirnagar University admission 2025 Application will start from 01 january 2025 to 21 January 2025.
JU Admission Circular related to all news can be found on the notice board of the Jahangirnagar University’s website, in the newspapers, and on our website.
JU Admission Circular 2024-25
In the 2024-25 season, Jahangirnagar University’s honors 1st-year admission is knocking on the door. Many students apply to this university every year. All admission processes will be completed online, and payment will be made by bKash and Rocket.
Read this article carefully and apply for your seat in Jahangirnagar. MCQ methods will be held this year by Jahangirnagar University (JU) admission test 2024-25.
Jahangirnagar University Admission Notice 2025
Jahangirnagar University has updated its circular for JU admission 2025. Before applying for JU admission, take a look at this circular blew. In the first circular, the duration of admission Application Duration has 01 January 2025 to 21 january 2025. Here are the details for the JU Admission Circular 2024-25.

Jahangirnagar University Application Instructions
- The applicant will confirm his / her mobile number by providing the required information on the admission test website of Jahangirnagar University ( with minimum eligibility verification and save the sent password for later application/use.
- From the list of applicable units, the applicant can apply to one or more units by paying the application fee. After logging in to the website by paying the prescribed application fee through bKash or Rocket, the candidate has to complete the application by uploading signatures and pictures in their respective profiles and collecting the admission form. This application has to be completed in 5 steps in total (a, b, c, d, e).
Jahangirnagar University Minimum Requirements For Admission
- By clicking on “New Application” on the homepage of website, the applicant has to provide the Board of Education of Higher Secondary / Equivalent and Secondary / Equivalent, Pass Year, Roll No.
- After completing all the information, click on “Submit”. On the next screen, the applicant will see a list of applicable units according to his / her Higher / Equivalent and Secondary / Equivalent information, personal information, and related educational qualifications. The applicant has to combine all the information and click on the “Confirm” button.
- Students who have passed the Open University will have to select the “Bangladesh Open University” option from the Board of Education in the same way.
➣ Students who have passed O Level and A Level have to select the “O-Level / A-Level” option from the Board of Education.
➣ Immediately on the screen of the new application for admission, select the board of higher secondary and click on “A-level / O-level apply”.
➣ Then all the necessary information of the applicant (e.g. A-level info, O-level info, subject, grade), etc. should be provided on the screen. Finally, by clicking on “Select Document”, the applicant has to upload copies of O-level and A-level scanned transcript (Size: maximum 2MB; Format: jpg/pdf) and press the “Submit” button.
JUNIV Mobile No Verification and Confirmation for Admission
In this step, the applicant has to provide the 11-digit mobile number (the applicant’s own or the guardian’s) and click on the “Confirm” button. A password will be sent via SMS to the mobile number provided by the applicant and you will have to enter the sent password in the box provided and click on the “Confirm” button, and this password must be saved for the next application. Caution:
- An applicant can apply in multiple units using the same mobile number. However, multiple applications cannot be made in the same unit using the said mobile number.
- In this case, it is important to provide the mobile number with caution, because this mobile number will be used in all future communication activities.
- If you forget your mobile number or password, click on the “Search” tab on the website, select “Mobile Number Recovery” / “Password Recovery”, provide the required information, and click on “Recover Mobile Number” / “Submit” to recover mobile number/password Can be done.
Application Process & Fees Submission
The application fee (including service charge) for applications in different units is as under.
(a) After completing the verification of minimum educational qualifications and mobile number, the applicant has to click on the “Login” button along with his verified mobile number and previously sent password on the Admission Test website ( On the next screen, you will see the current status of the application, whether the fee has been paid, how much it will cost to apply to the respective unit, detailed information, and the options for paying the unit-based fee.
(b) After completing the above steps (a), (b), and (c), an applicant can “log in” from his single “profile” and apply in multiple units separately subject to payment of fees.
Jahangirnagar University Fee Submission Process:
- If you want to pay the fee, click on the “Pay Fee” button next to the respective unit, and you will see the fee and confirmation option of the respective unit. Then the language (Bangla / English) of the examination question paper of the concerned unit has to be carefully selected. If any information is incorrect, it can be corrected at any time by clicking the “Close” button to return to the previous step.
- Just click on the “Confirm” button and you will see the option to make a payment via bKash / Rocket on the next screen. The applicant will select the icon through which he/she is willing to pay the fee and click on the button “Complete the payment”. If any information is incorrect, it can be corrected by going back to the previous step by clicking the “Close” button.
NB: Multiple application fees can be paid subject to a break (minimum 3 minutes) from the same bKash / Rocket account.
The payment process for the JUNIV Admission application fee through bKash is as follows:
- First, you have to enter the bKash account number on the screen and then go to the next step by agreeing to the terms and conditions by clicking on the “CONFIRM” button.
- BKash will send a verification code of that number // OTP to the account number via SMS. The code will go to the next step through the payment screen.
- Then you have to complete the payment with the bKash account PIN. If the payment is successful, a confirmation SMS will be sent immediately. Money receipts can be downloaded from “Profile” by clicking on “Payslip”. This slip is by no means an admission card, only a receipt for the applicant’s deposit.
The payment process for the JUNIV Admission application fee through Rocket is as follows:
- First, enter the rocket account number and PIN on the screen and go to the next step by clicking on the “SUBMIT” button.
- The rocket will then send a security code to that account number via SMS. The code has to go through the payment screen and click on the “GO” button to go to the next step.
- If the payment is successful, a confirmation SMS will be sent immediately. Money receipts can be downloaded from “Profile” by clicking on “Payslip”. This slip is by no means an admission card, only a receipt for the applicant’s deposit.
Upload Picture and Signature
The applicant has to go to his / her profile, click on the “Upload Photo” and “Upload Signature” options, scan the newly taken passport-size color photo (300 × 300 pixels and file size not exceeding 100 KB), and scan the applicant’s signature (300 × 60 pixels and file size not exceeding 60 KB) and upload in .jpg or .jpeg format.
Admit Card Download
The applicant will see the option of “Download Admission” for each unit individually in his profile. Click on the unit-based “Download Admission” button to download the entry form and print it and keep it in your collection. Admission tickets can be downloaded from 02 February 2025 Juniv admission org
- If you have applied in more than one unit, you will have to collect admission tickets for other units as per the above rules.
- Admission tickets have to be downloaded separately for each unit.
Jahangirnagar University Admission Test Schedule 2025
Jahangirnagar University has published its admission test schedule for the 2024-25 academic year. In this schedule, examinees will get the date and day, shift, roll no, and time. The whole schedule is unit-wise. The exam will start on 09-02-2025 and it will go up to 19-02-2025 For more information, focus on the image below.
Jahangirnagar University Admission & Subject Choice
Jahangirnagar University admission is going on, and JU has already published a circular regarding admission and subject choice. To get details on the JU admission timetable & guidance and faculty-wise Admission Fees, click on them.
Jahangirnagar University Student Log-In Process
Admitted students must log in with their Admission Test Roll No and HSC Registration Number and fill up the Choice Form online before the oral examination. Students must print and bring the completed Choice Form while participating in the interview /Viva-Voce exam/practical exam. (Excluding units F, G, H, and I).
- Visit
- Then provide your JU exam roll and HSC reg no, then click on the login option.
Honors admission and application schedule for various quotas
Jaharnagar University has published the admission and application schedule for various quotas in the Honors 1st year 2024-25 academic year. Being very important, I added here the whole schedule as well as the instructions.
Honors Admission & Application Instruction
It is very important to know all the applicants about the Jahangirnagar University 1st year honors admission and application instructions. Jahangirnagar University has published the schedule recently. Here are the details for you. Just focus on the following image.
JU A Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of science/agronomy can apply for admission through a unit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU Admission Requirements for A unit
- The candidate will pass the secondary or equivalent form in the science/agronomy section of any of the Education Board of Bangladesh,
- The applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
JU A Total unit Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University has 420, but 210 seats for male students and 210 seats for females.
A unit Subject List
A unit, the following Subjects are available:
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Environmental Science
- Statics
- Chemistry
- Geological Sciences
JU B Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of any section can apply for admission through the B unit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU Admission Requirements B unit
- The candidate will pass the secondary or equivalent form in the humanities or science/agronomy section of any of the Education Board of Bangladesh,
- The applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
JU B unit Total Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University B unit total seats 340, but 170 seats for male students and 170 seats for females.
JU B unit Subject List
For the B unit, the following Subjects are available:
- Economics
- Geography
- Govt. & Politics
- Public Administration
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Anthropology
JU C Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of any section can apply for admission through the C unit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU Admission Requirements C unit
- The candidate will pass the secondary or equivalent form in the science/agronomy section of any of the Education Board of Bangladesh,
- The applicant must have a minimum 3.00 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
JU C unit Total Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University C unit total seats 440, but 220 seats for male students and 220 seats for females.
JU C unit Subject List
For the C unit, the following Subjects are available:
- International Relationship
- Archaeology
- English
- History
- Philosophy
- Drama
- Bangla
- Journalism & Media Study
- Fine Arts
JU D Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of Science can apply for admission through Cunit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU Admission Requirements D unit
- The candidate will be passed the secondary or equivalent form in the science/agronomy section of any of the Education Board of Bangladesh,
- The applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
JU D unit Total Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University D unit total seats 350, but 175 seats for male students and 175 seats for females.
JU D unit Subject List
For the D unit, the following Subjects are available:
- Botany
- Zoology
- Bio-Chemistry
- Bio-Technology & Genetic Engineering
- Public Health & Information
- Pharmacy
- Micro Biology
JU E Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of business studies can apply for admission through the E unit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU Admission Requirements E unit
- The candidate will be passed the secondary or equivalent form in the Business study section of any of the Education Board of Bangladesh.
- The applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
JU E unit Total Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University E unit total seats 238, but 119 seats for male students and 119 seats for females.
JU E unit Subject List
For the E unit, the following Subjects are available:
- Marketing
- Finance & Banking
- Management
- Accounting & Information System
JU F Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of any group can apply for admission through the F unit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU Admission Requirements F unit
- The candidate will be passed the secondary or equivalent form in the science/agronomy section of any of the Education Board of Bangladesh.
- The applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
JU F unit Total Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University’s total unit seats are 60, but 30 seats are for male students and 30 seats are for females.
JU F unit Subject List
For the F unit, the following Subjects are available:
- Law & Justice
JU G Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of any group can apply for admission through the G unit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU G Unit Requirements
- The candidate will be passed the secondary or equivalent form in the humanities or science/agronomy section of any Education Board in Bangladesh.
- The applicant must have a minimum of 4.00 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
Jahangirnagar University G Unit Total Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University has a unit total seat 50, but 25 seats for male students and 25 seats for females.
Jahangirnagar University G Unit Subject List
For the G unit, the following Subjects are available:
- BBA Program
JU H Unit Admission 2024-25
Students of science can apply for admission through the H unit. And will be eligible for admission according to qualifications.
JU Admission Requirements H unit
- The candidate will be passed the secondary or equivalent form in the science/agronomy section of any of the Education Board of Bangladesh.
- The applicant must have a minimum 3.5 GPA, including 4th subject, in secondary and higher secondary examinations.
JU H unit Total Seat
Jahangirnagar University has the same seat for male and female students. Jahangirnagar University H unit total seats 50, but 25 seats for male students and 25 seats for females.
JU H unit Subject List
For the H unit, the following Subjects are available:
- Information Technology
JU Admission Result 2024-25
JU admission results have been published on their university website. Do you need the admission result? please visit the link and see all unit results. click here
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