Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University (BSMRAU) admission circular 2024-25 has been published recently. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman agricultural university admission will be very soon.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman agricultural university is one of Bangladesh’s most popular public universities. In this post, I will write about all information for the admission test for the BSMRAU.
Foremost, I want to inform you that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University admission will take admission with other six agricultural universities, and the admission will be based on the same circular and schedules. Here is the detailed information.
Know About BSMRAU
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University is a high educational institution located in Salna, Gazipur, Bangladesh. The university was established in 1998. It is located 9.5km away from Gazipur crossing on the Dhaka-Mymensingh highway.
In 1983 it was first established as the Institute of Post Graduation School of Agriculture, formulated in the University in 1998. At present, it is one of the major agricultural universities in Bangladesh.
BSMRAU Online Apply Link
BSMRAU Admission Circular 2024-25
In the 2024-25 season, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University Admission Test will be held by MCQ and Written through Both methods. Students can apply for admission from ** to ** 2024, and the admission test will be held in 2024. For your convenience, I have added the circular as a form of an image.

BSMRAU Admission Requirements for Apply
To be admitted to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, you may have some qualifications that are fixed by the circular. If you qualify according to the circular, you will be able to apply. To know all the requirements, keep your focus below. \

BSMRAU Admission Detailed Time Plan
Here is a page where you will get all your admission date-related information in detail. So keep reading the image and not down the information you need. You will get the pdf file below.
Apply for BSMRAU Admission 2024-25
The application process at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University is straightforward, and the whole process will be completed online. Just visit, then provide all the information that need like pin, password, etc. To get a clear conception, keep your focus below.

General & Reserved Seats
There are 330 seats at the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University. Among them, 303 seats are general, and 27 seats are reserved.
Application Duration & Fees
To complete all your applications, you have to know the BSMRAU admission application duration and fees. With this in mind, I have added all the information related to the application duration and fees.
- BAU application duration is from ** to ** 2024.
- The application fee is only 1000 TK and should be submitted via Bkash, নগদ, and Rocket. For candidates who do not get a chance to sit for the application test, the rest of the money, 700 TK, will be sent to their account after deducting the application fee of Rs. 300.
Written Test Date and Mark Distribution
You must know about your written test date and its marks distribution as a candidate. Otherwise, there is a great probability for you not to get the chance at this university.
- The 100 Mark MCQ Admission Test will be held in 2024 from 11:30 to 12:30 at 7 Agricultural Universities simultaneously.
- There will be questions in laughter level English – 10, Zoology – 15, Botany – 15, Physics – 20, Chemistry – 20, and Mathematics – 20. For each error, the 0.25 mark will be deducted.
To get more information, visit the following links, and you may download the notice from the following pdf file.
- To get detailed information about the circular visit Admission Circular 2024
- To get detailed information about the Admission Guidance, visit BSMRAUAdmission Guidance 2024
- To get an Admission-related Essantion Date Visit Admission-related Essential Date.
Stay with us to know more about admission to the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University. And please comment on your quote.