HSTU Admission Circular 2023-24 | Hajee Danesh University Admission circular 2023-24 has been published. The application process for HSTU admission 2023-24 will start in ** 2024. Hajee Danesh University Admission-related all news can be found on the notice board of the HSTU’s website https://www.hstu.ac.bd or https://www.hstu.ac.bd/admission and in the newspapers and on our website too.
As Hajee Danesh University is a GST (General Science & Technology) affiliated university it has to follow GST rules. There are 22 GST universities and there will be an integrated admission test for the 22 universities in 2024.
There are two processes of Integrated admission tests for 22 universities belonging to the GST group. One is the Primary application and another is the Final application.
Haji Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University is a public university located in Dinajpur of Bangladesh. It is the first university of other science and technology the university of Bangladesh and the first university in the Rangpur Division. It was named after the father of the Tebhaga movement and the leader of the area’s peasant leader Haji Mohammad Danesh. It is the best university in North Bengal, which is leading among science and technology universities.
It is the first science and technology university in north Bengal, Rangpur Division. The medium of instruction in this university is English. It is operated in the course-credit-semester system. At present, nine subjects are certified in 23 subjects, among which there are 22 subjects in 8 faculties and one faculty in the post-graduate level at the undergraduate level. Now the campus area is 135 acres.
The Dhaka-Dinajpur highway is located beside the campus. The campus distance from Dinajpur city is only 10 km. The university has a green plantation symposium. There is a vast building of red-white brick, and there are martyrs, a gymnasium, a TSC, and a canteen in memory of the martyrs.
In the 2023-24 academic year, submitting the application form for Honours 1st-year admission of the HSTU | Hajee Danesh University Admission will be completed online, The application process for HSTU primary admission 2023-24 will start from **.**.2024 to **.**.2024. The applicant will be able to collect the information for the admission test from the HSTU website.
This year HSTU Admission | Hajee Danesh University Admission Test 2023-24 will be held by MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) methods.
Here I am going to share all the information regarding HSTU Admission. I am going to cover up HSTU Admission requirements, notice, and the process to apply on HSTU Admission Circular.
Here I have added an image where you will get all the admission-related information and it will be helpful for you. Keep reading the article carefully.
This is the final notice for admission in the academic year 2023-24 of the GST group University. Here you will get detailed information about the primary and final application process of all the Units. Also, the examination schedules.
All faculty of HSTU will have to apply online for honors in the first year season 2023-24 from ** 2024 to ** 2024. As the primary application date is over and it is time for the final application, I am going to share with you the final online application process.
You will be able to download the admit card from gstadmission.ac.be. You have to provide the Password and User ID and Log In. To forget your password and User ID then visit the following link. Admit Card must be downloaded between **-**-2024 at 12:00 PM to **-**-2024 at 11:59 PM for the GST admission.
The comprehensive Admission Test of 22 Public Universities under GST (General, Science & Technology) started in the 2023-24 academic year. **.**.2024 was the last date of the final application.
HUST admission is going on. Only the students who qualified for the GST admission test will be able to apply to the university. The admission will be going from **/**/2024 to **/**/2024.
Read Also: Jahangirnagar University Admission Circular 2023-24
All the updated information will be added here. Keep your eyes on this site to be updated all the time. Share this article with your nearest people and them know about the updated admission circular. Thank you.
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