Admission Circular

GST Admission Circular 2024 | GST Integrated Admission 2024

GST Admission Circular 2024 | GST Integrated Admission 2024: Honors 1st year integrated admission test circular of GST (General, Science & Technology) Integrated Universities have already been published. This is the 2nd time that around 22 public universities in this country are going to take the honors 1st year integrated admission test for the academic year 2024-25.

Students of 2019, 2020, 2021 SSC / Equivalent, and 2022, 2023 HSC, Diploma In Commerce, HSC (Vocational) under Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB), A level and pass in other equivalent levels will be able to appear in the GST admission test 2023.

The GST admission is divided into three units; A, B, and C. Students can apply for any of these units as per their education eligibility. Detailed information regarding the GST Admission 2023 | GST Integrated Admission 2023 will be available on the site.

GST Admission Circular 2024

The integrated admission test of the GST (General, Science & Technology) Integrated Universities is one of the timely decisions and initiatives of the authorities.

Application for the GST admission 2024 is going on. The online application for the GST admission 2024 will go from / /2024 to / /2024. Applicants can select an exam center from the given exam center list.

GST Admission Unit-Based Application Eligibility

Most applicants who want to sit for the GST admission test 2024 don’t know about the eligibility for the GST admission unit-based application. This is why. Here I have added GST admission Unit-based application eligibility for students from all departments. From here, you will know how much GPA you need for a certain unit.

SSC & HSC (With 4 Sub) In Total Other Eligibility
Unit A GPA 3.50 GPA 8.00 Madrasah Board & Vocational (HSC), including the Science department of the General Education Board, will be considered a science section.
Unit B GPA 3.00 GPA 6.00 Music, Home Economics, and Madrasa Board (General, Mozabbib) will be considered as the Humanities Branch along with the Humanities Branch of the General Education Board.
Unit C GPA 3.00 GPA 6.50 Diploma in Business Studies, Business Management, and Commerce will be considered the Commerce Branch and the Commerce Branch of the General Education Board.

GST Admission Test Date

Maybe you are looking for the GST admission test date and searching writing when the GST admission test will be held; if yes, then you are at the right place. I want to inform you that the GST-integrated admission test date has already been officially announced.

  • A Unit admission test will be held on ****2024
  • A Unit admission test will be held on ***2024
  • A Unit admission test will be held on****2024

GST Admission Online Application Process

Here is the GST admission online application process for all the students who want to get admitted to the GST-integrated Universities. Applications can be completed from ****/2024 to ****/2024 for the 2022-2023 academic year to participate in the integrated admission test of 22 cluster public universities. You will get detailed information related to online applications on site. Here are the online application instructions.

  • The application will be started by clicking on the option Start Application.
  • Then a new page will open. If you want to Log in then provide your Applicant ID and Password. Click on New Applicant to start the application.

  • Then you have to take to another page. Provide your SSC/Equivalent and HSC/Equivalent information. After completing all, click on the Submit button.
GST admission Test

Admit Card Download For GST Admission

GST authority has published the admit card download date for the applicants. Admit Card must be downloaded between ***-2024 at 12:00 PM to ***-2024 at 11:59 PM for the GST admission. The exam center (room no, building, and center name) will be informed later through SMS and published on the website. To download an admit card for GST admission follow the steps,

  • Visit the click on Student Login/Admit Card Download
  • Login using the Applicant ID and Password already received through SMS.
  • Click on the ‘Recover Applicant ID/Password’ link to recover the Applicant ID or Password
  • Recover Applicant ID/Password

Image and Question Version Changes

For the GST admission candidate’s photo and question version can be changed up to ****-2024 at 12:00 noon, if necessary.

GST Universities List

Here is the list of GST-integrated universities. This year 2024-25, there is a total of 20 public universities are going to arrange admission collectively.

  1. Jagannath University
  2. Islamic University
  3. Khulna University
  4. Comilla University
  5. Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University
  6. Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur
  7. University of Barisal
  8. Rabindra University, Bangladesh
  9. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Digital University, Bangladesh
  10. Sheikh Hasina University
  11. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
  12. Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University
  13. Mawlana Bhashani Science & Technology University
  14. Noakhali Science & Technology University
  15. Jashore University of Science and Technology
  16. Pabna University of Science and Technology
  17. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University
  18. Rangamati Science and Technology University
  19. Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University
  20. Patuakhali Science And Technology University
  21. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University
  22. Chandpur Science and Technology University

Admission Test-Related Information

Admission test-related information for GST Universities is available here. All this information is very important for those students who want to get admitted to any of these GST-integrated Universities and sit for the GST admission. From the following table, you will get the admission test syllabus and subject-wise number.

Unit Exam Subjects & Number
Subject Number Total Number
Unit A (Science) Physics 25



Chemistry 25
Math 25
Biology 25
Bangla (Instead of 4th subject Higher Math or Biology) 25
English (Instead of 4th subject Higher Math or Biology) 25
Unit B (Humanities) Bangla 35


English 35
General Knowledge 30
Unit C (Commerce) Accounting 35


Business organization and management 35
Bangla 15
English 15

That’s all for you. I hope you will benefit a lot from this information. Stay with us for more updates. We will add all the upcoming essential information about the GST admission 2024 here as soon as something is published. Thank you.

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